Resumo O presente trabalho trata da morfologia polínica de 33 espécies de plantas lenhosas da Campina da Reserva Biológica INPA-SUFRAMA, situada na Estrada Manaus-Caracaraí Km 62, Manaus-Amazonas. As espécies em estudo acham-se distribuídas em 20 famílias e 30 gêneros, das quais 82% foram coletadas no período de novembro de 1974 a julho de 1975. Os 18% restantes foram retiradas do Herbário do INPA. As descrições polínicas foram baseadas nas características gerais dos grãos de pólen. Os grãos de pólen das espécies pertencentes às famílias mais representadas em nosso estudo foram analisados quanto à homogeneidade e quanto à evolução. Para as espécies dimórficas foi calculada a freqüência de dimorfismo polínico. Com as características gerais dos grãos de pólen foram preenchidos cartões perfurados e com o número e tipo de aberturas foi elaborada uma chave polínica.
Summary This paper deals with the pollen morphology of 33 species of woody plants found in the INPA-SUFRAMA Campina Reserve, located on the Manaus-Caracaraí highway Km 62, Manaus, Amazonas. Species of 20 families and 30 genera were studied, 82% of which were collected from November 1974 to July 1975. The remaining 18% were studied from herbarium material in the INPA herbarium. The most common families represented insofar as the number of species are concerned, were: Rubiaceae (Borreria capitata var. tenella (H.B.K.) Steyerm., Pagamea duckei Standr., Palicourea nitidella (M. Arg.) Standl., Palicourea sp. and Psychotria barbiflora DC.), Leguminosae (Aldina heterophylla Spruce ex Benth., Macrolobium arenarium Ducke and Swartzia dolicopoda Cowan), Apocynaceae (Mandevilla ulei K. Schum. and Tabernaemontana rupicola Benth.), Compositae (Mikania roraimensis Robinson and Vernonia grisea Baker), Loranthaceae (Phthirusa micrantha Eich. and Phthirusa rufa (Mart.) Eichl.), Melastomaceae (Mouriri nervosa Pilger and Sandemania hoehnei (Cogn.) Wurdack), Myrtaceae (Eugenia patrisii Vahl and Eugenia sp.). Sapindaceae (Matayba opaca Radlk. and Talisia cesarina (Benth.) Radlk.), Sapotaceae (Glycoxylon inophyllum (Mart, ex Miq.) Ducke and Manilkara surinamensis (Miq.) Dubard). Within the above mentioned families. Compositae, Loranthaceae. Melastomaceae and Myrtaceae were considered as stenopalynous while Apocynaceae, Leguminosae, Rubiaceae, Sapindaceae and Sapotaceae were considered eurypalynous. The pollen descriptions were based on Erdtman (1969) taking into consideration the general characteristics of the pollen grain: size, polarity, simmetry, shape, ambitus, number and type of apertures, superficial structure grain measurements, the P/E ratio, NPC system and exine stratification. The nomenclature used in the description was based on Barth's Palynological Glossary (1965). The more primitive pollen grains as far as aperture is concerned, are found in the species Palicourea nitidella (M. Arg.) Standl.. Palicourea sp. and Psychotria barbiflora DC. on account of their aperturate grain, and Annona nitida Mart. because it is in tetrads. The most evolved pollen forms were found in Mikania roraimensis Robinson and Vernonia grisea Baker on account of their complex exine ornamentation, a characteristic considered of great value taxonomically (Stix, 1960). Among the species studied, 21% were dimorfic. This diversity of pollen types found in only one species is considered by Erdtman (1969) to be a result of hybridization. The species which yielded the highest hybridization index was Hirtella racemosa Lam. var. racemosa with 42% of the grains being 3-colporate and 58% of the grain 4-colporate. Eugenia sp. presented the lowest hybridization index with 97% of the grain being 3-colporate and 3% being 4-colporate. In order to facilitate the identification of species by pollen morphology, a key was made based on the number and type of apertures found. We used these and other characteristics, to make a punched-card identification system. The palynological information obtained in this study aims to help future studies related to other disciplines, such as Aeropalynology, Ecological Palynology and Paleopalynology. The results of this study will contribute to the solution of the much discussed problem of the origin of the vegetation of Campina.