Foram avaliados o desempenho e as características de carcaça de 36 novilhos Brahman (Bh), Brangus (Bg) e Hereford adaptado (He), terminados em pastejo com suplementação (PSu) ou em confinamento (Conf). Os animais foram abatidos quando apresentavam espessura de gordura maior do que 4mm. Na dieta do Conf, a relação volumoso:concentrado foi de 60:40 (com base na matéria seca), continha 13% de proteína bruta (PB) e 62% de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT). O capim-mombaça continha, em média, 7% de PB e 54% de NDT, e o suplemento 24% de PB e 76% de NDT. Foi observada diferença (P<0,05) no sistema de terminação para o ganho de peso médio diário, com 1,200kg/cab/dia para Conf e 0,675kg/cab/dia para Psu. Os novilhos Bh e Bg pesaram, em média, 445,8kg, e o rendimento da carcaça quente foi de 58,4%, valores maiores que os 399,1kg e 55,4% obtidos pelos animais He. A área de olho de Longissimus foi maior para os animais Bg, 76,42cm². A maciez, 3,71 vs 4,89, e a espessura de gordura subcutânea, 4,64 vs 3,39, foram melhores nos animais terminados em Conf do que nos animais em Psu, respectivamente.
The productive performance and carcass of the 36 Brahman (Bh), Brangus (Bg) and adapted Hereford (He) steers finished on feedlot (FD) or on rotational grazing with supplementation system (GS) were evaluated. The animals were slaughtered when the subcutaneous fat thickness was over 4mm. The feedlot diet had a forage: concentrate of 60:40 (in dry matter) 13% crude protein (CP), 62% of NDT. The mombaça gras CP level was 7% and 54% of NDT. The supplement had supplied 24% of CP and 76% of NDT. A significant difference was observed for the average daily gain, being 1,200kg/head/day for FD steers and 0.675kg/head/day for GS steers. The effect of breed on slaughter weight was observed, being 445.8kg for Bh and Bg and 399.19kg for He. The hot dressing percentage was higher for Bh and Bg than for He, 58.4% vs 55.4%. The rib eye area was higher for Bg, 76.42cm² and tenderness measured by the shear force was lower for FD steers, at 3.71 than for GS steers, at 4.89. The subcutaneous fat thickness was higher for FD steers, at 4.64 than for GS steers, at 3.39mm.