São apresentados os resultados de ensaios de cultivares de morangueiro sob as condições climáticas de duas regiões de clima sub-tropical do Estado de São Paulo. Estudaram-se a produção total do ano e a parcial dos primeiros meses de colheita, quando é maior a cotação do produto. Em uma das localidades a colheita se estendeu de julho a dezembro, e na outra, de junho a dezembro. Em ambas as condições a maior produção (total e parcial) foi obtida com a variedade Monte Alegre TAC-3113. Produções também elevadas foram obtidas com as variedades Campinas IAC-2712, Camanducaia IAC-3530, Híbrido IAC-3592 e outros. Com relação às características comerciais e qualidades do produto, como tamanho, paladar, coloração e firmeza dos frutos, destacaram-se os cultivares: Campinas, Monte Alegre e Camanducaia.
At the Central Experiment Station «Theodureto de Camargo», in Campinas, since 1941, as well as at the Experiment Stations of Monte Alegre do Sul and Jundiai, starting 1952 and 1964, respectively, 49 cultivars were studied and nearly 2,000 «seedlings» obtained from crossings made in the three localities, and also from imported «seeds». In this paper the results of trials made in 1965 at the Experiment Stations of Monte Alegre do Sul and Jundia! are presented. In all of them, variety «Dr. Morère», also known as «Comum», formerly the most cultivated in the State of São Paulo, was used as check plant. At the Experiment Station of Monte Alegre do Sul, 9 varieties were studied. The total yield from July up to December and also the partial one of July-August was studied at a time when prices of strawberry are at the highest, because harvest begins then and also because fruits are bigger. The statistical analysis of data obtained, showed the following results: a) concerning the total yield, cultivar Monte Alegre, without differing from cultivars Camanducaia, Hybrid IAC-3592, Hybrid IAC-3432, Campinas and Hybrid IAC-2747, was superior to all the others (Hybrid IAC-2746, Hybrid IAC-3431 and Dr. Morère) on the level of \%;b) considering the partial yield, cultivar Monte Alegre was superior to all the others to the level of 5% and cultivar Campinas IAC-2712 was superior on the same level, only with regard to variety Dr. Morère or «Comum». At the Experiment Station of Jundiai, the following 5 cultivars entered the competition trial; Monte Alegre, Campinas «Comum». The yield of June up to December was studied and that of June to August as well, the following observations having been made: a) with regard to total yield, Monte Alegre was superior to all the others on the level of 5%; concerning productivity, variety Dr. Morère or «Comum» was inferior to all others on the level of 1%; b) as to partial yield, Monte Alegre nad Campinas with no differences between them, were superior to the Hybrid IAC-2747 and «Comum» on the level of 5%. The yields of the same varieties were better at the Experiment Station of Jundiai, where the acidity of soil, pH = 5.40, which is the best for strawberries, might have influenced. On the other hand, the soil at the Experiment Station of Monte Alegre do Sul showed an acidity equal to 4.30, which is harmful to the plant.