Resumo Contexto Ainda são incomuns os estudos de prevalência de aneurismas viscerais raros, e os poucos estudos que focalizaram esses aneurismas observam taxas de prevalência em grupos de pacientes com aneurismas viscerais, mas pouco se conhece sobre a sua prevalência na população geral. Objetivos Avaliar a prevalência de aneurismas viscerais raros em angiotomografias realizadas para diagnóstico e seguimento de pacientes com diferentes patologias vasculares. Métodos Este estudo transversal partiu do acesso a todos os laudos de angiotomografias realizadas entre janeiro de 2005 e julho de 2021 em hospital privado de excelência situado na cidade de São Paulo. Foi utilizado um programa de mecanismo de busca de laudos pré-indexados, cuja base de dados é o Sistema de Informação Radiológica (RIS), para acesso aos laudos de pacientes com aneurismas intra-abdominais. Resultados Foram acessados laudos de angiotomografias de 92.883 pacientes, dos quais 2.597 (2,795%) apresentavam aneurismas intra-abdominais, sendo 937 (1,063%) viscerais, incluindo 158 (0,171%) aneurismas viscerais raros, mais frequente entre homens e nos seguintes segmentos: tronco celíaco (0,098%), artéria mesentérica superior (0,033%), artéria gástrica esquerda (0,010%), artéria pancreático-duodenal (0,009%), artéria gastroduodenal (0,005%) e arco pancreático (0,004%). Prevalências menores foram encontradas em outros diferentes segmentos. Achados adicionais revelaram taxa de concomitância de aneurismas viscerais raros com outros aneurismas intra-abdominais entre 11,11% e 66,67%. Conclusões A prevalência de aneurismas viscerais raros em ampla população submetida a angiotomografias foi de 0,171%, com maior comprometimento nos pacientes do sexo masculino. geral vasculares 200 202 Paulo préindexados, préindexados pré indexados, indexados pré-indexados RIS, RIS , (RIS) intraabdominais. intraabdominais intra abdominais. abdominais 92883 92 883 92.88 2597 2 597 2.59 2,795% 2795 795 (2,795% intraabdominais, abdominais, 93 1,063% 1063 1 063 (1,063% 15 0,171% 0171 0 171 (0,171% segmentos 0,098%, 0098 0,098% 098 (0,098%) 0,033%, 0033 0,033% 033 (0,033%) 0,010%, 0010 0,010% 010 (0,010%) pancreáticoduodenal duodenal 0,009%, 0009 0,009% 009 (0,009%) 0,005% 0005 005 (0,005% 0,004%. 0004 0,004% . 004 (0,004%) 1111 11 11,11 6667 66 67 66,67% masculino 20 (RIS 9288 9 88 92.8 259 59 2.5 2,795 279 79 (2,795 1,063 106 06 (1,063 0,171 017 17 (0,171 0,098 09 (0,098% 003 0,033 03 (0,033% 001 0,010 01 (0,010% 000 0,009 00 (0,009% 0,005 (0,005 0,004 (0,004% 111 11,1 666 6 66,67 928 8 92. 25 5 2. 2,79 27 7 (2,79 1,06 10 (1,06 0,17 (0,17 0,09 (0,098 0,03 (0,033 0,01 (0,010 0,00 (0,009 (0,00 (0,004 11, 66,6 2,7 (2,7 1,0 (1,0 0,1 (0,1 0,0 (0,09 (0,03 (0,01 (0,0 66, 2, (2, 1, (1, 0, (0, (2 (1 (0 (
Abstract Background Studies on the prevalence of rare visceral aneurysms are still scarce and the few studies that have focused on these aneurysms present prevalence rates in groups of patients with visceral aneurysms, but little is known about their prevalence in the general population. Objectives To assess the prevalence of rare visceral aneurysms on CAT scans performed for diagnosis and follow-up of patients with other vascular pathologies. Methods This cross-sectional study began by accessing all reports from CAT scans performed between January 2005 and July 2021 at a private hospital of excellence located in the city of São Paulo. A software program for pre-indexed reports was used to search the Radiological Information System (RIS) database to identify reports of patients with intra-abdominal aneurysms. Results CAT scan reports from 92,883 patients were accessed. Of these, 2,597 (2.795%) showed intra-abdominal aneurysms, 937 (1.063%) of which were visceral, including 158 (0.171%) rare visceral aneurysms, which were more frequent among male patients and in the following segments: celiac trunk (0.098%), superior mesenteric (0.033%), left gastric (0.010%), pancreatic-duodenal (0.009%), and gastroduodenal arteries (0.005%) and the pancreatic arch (0.004%). Lower prevalence was found in other segments. Additional findings revealed concomitance of rare visceral aneurysms with other intra-abdominal aneurysms ranging from 11.11% to 66.67%. Conclusions The prevalence of rare visceral aneurysms in a large population undergoing CAT scan was 0.171%, with greater involvement in male patients. followup follow up pathologies crosssectional cross sectional 200 202 Paulo preindexed pre indexed RIS (RIS intraabdominal intra abdominal 92883 92 883 92,88 accessed 2597 2 597 2,59 2.795% 2795 795 (2.795% 93 1.063% 1063 1 063 (1.063% 15 0.171% 0171 0 171 (0.171% segments 0.098%, 0098 0.098% , 098 (0.098%) 0.033%, 0033 0.033% 033 (0.033%) 0.010%, 0010 0.010% 010 (0.010%) pancreaticduodenal duodenal 0.009%, 0009 0.009% 009 (0.009%) 0.005% 0005 005 (0.005% 0.004%. 0004 0.004% . 004 (0.004%) 1111 11 11.11 6667 66 67 66.67% 20 9288 9 88 92,8 259 59 2,5 2.795 279 79 (2.795 1.063 106 06 (1.063 0.171 017 17 (0.171 0.098 09 (0.098% 003 0.033 03 (0.033% 001 0.010 01 (0.010% 000 0.009 00 (0.009% 0.005 (0.005 0.004 (0.004% 111 11.1 666 6 66.67 928 8 92, 25 5 2, 2.79 27 7 (2.79 1.06 10 (1.06 0.17 (0.17 0.09 (0.098 0.03 (0.033 0.01 (0.010 0.00 (0.009 (0.00 (0.004 11. 66.6 2.7 (2.7 1.0 (1.0 0.1 (0.1 0.0 (0.09 (0.03 (0.01 (0.0 66. 2. (2. 1. (1. 0. (0. (2 (1 (0 (