ABSTRACT Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a neglected disease that is typical of tropical and subtropical parts of the world and is caused by the trypanosomatid Leishmania donovani complex. This disease is a multifactorial condition that involves parasitic, environmental, and immunogenetic characteristics. Genetic changes in genes encoding cytokines may be associated with changes in their expression and, consequently, with the development of clinical resistance or susceptibility to the disease. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to assess whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in interleukin genes influence the clinical consequences of visceral leishmaniasis infection. To this end, we carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis with structured searches in the EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus, SciELO, and Web of Science databases without time restrictions. Two independent reviewers examined the studies, performed data extraction, and assessed quality by assigning scores. If there were any discrepancies, a third reviewer with more experience was consulted. After the screening process, 28 articles were included in the systematic review and 9 in the final analysis of the meta-analysis. Statistical analyses were carried out using various genetic models. The odds ratio (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to estimate the associations. Overall, the main clinical outcomes were classified as not associated or associated when they presented susceptibility, resistance, risk, or protective factors for the development of the disease. Associations between IFN-γ +874T/A polymorphisms in the dominant model (OR 1.64, 95% CI 1.13-2.38, I2 = 0%, p < 0.01) and heterozygous model (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.15-2.57, I2 = 0%, p < 0.01) and IL-18 -137G/C in the recessive model (OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.02-1.71, I2 = 9%, p = 0.03) and VL were observed. For the IL-10 gene SNPs, there was no significant association. Our findings suggest that SNPs in the IFN-γ and IL-18 genes may be associated with the risk of developing VL. (VL complex parasitic environmental characteristics consequently metaanalysis meta (SNPs infection end EMBASE PubMed Scopus SciELO restrictions studies extraction scores discrepancies consulted process 2 metaanalysis. analysis. models OR 95 CIs (CIs associations Overall IFNγ IFN γ 874TA TA 874T A T 164 1 64 1.64 1.132.38, 113238 1.13 2.38, 13 38 1.13-2.38 I 0 0% 0.01 001 01 172 72 1.72 1.152.57, 115257 1.15 2.57, 15 57 1.15-2.57 IL18 IL 18 IL-1 137G/C 137GC GC 137G C G 133 33 1.33 1.021.71, 102171 1.02 1.71, 02 71 1.02-1.71 9% 0.03 003 03 observed IL10 10 association 16 6 1.6 132 1.132.38 11323 113 1.1 238 2.38 3 1.13-2.3 0.0 00 17 7 1.7 152 1.152.57 11525 115 257 2.57 5 1.15-2.5 IL1 IL- 1.3 021 1.021.71 10217 102 1.0 171 1.71 1.02-1.7 1. 1.132.3 1132 11 23 2.3 1.13-2. 0. 1.152.5 1152 25 2.5 1.15-2. 1.021.7 1021 1.02-1. 1.132. 2. 1.13-2 1.152. 1.15-2 1.021. 1.02-1 1.132 1.13- 1.152 1.15- 1.021 1.02-