Abstract Faced with changes in eating habits, consumers currently seek to enjoy moderate consumption of healthy food products that results in sensory pleasure. Here, our study aimed to evaluate the biochemical and physicochemical properties and sensory profile of craft beers produced in the Brazilian Midwest region. Our evaluation of the beverages revealed different physicochemical characteristics such as alcohol content, soluble solids, titratable acidity in citric acid, and dry extract percentage, with values ranging between 4.06-6.13%, 5.13-10.98 °Brix, 1.71-3.45%, and 3.38-7.99%, respectively. Moreover, the average density of the beverages was 0.9906 g/cm3. In addition, the antioxidant activity and total phenolic of the beverages ranged between 14.28-20.46 mMol of Trolox/100 mL and 74.84-108.45 mg/100 g, respectively. Phenolic compounds that are essential in human nutrition, such as epicatechin, catechin, gallic acid, p-coumaric acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, rutin, and kaempferol, were identified in the beverages. Regarding the sensory profile of the craft beers, the beers had an average acceptability index of 75.11% for appearance, 70.24% for aroma, 60.43% for flavor, and 73.53% for texture. Our study demonstrated a correlation between chemical composition and acceptability index of beer, indicating a preference for lighter colored, fuller, and less acidic beers. habits pleasure Here region content solids acid percentage 4.066.13%, 406613 4.06 6.13%, 4 06 6 13 4.06-6.13% 5.1310.98 5131098 5.13 10.98 5 10 98 5.13-10.9 Brix °Brix 1.713.45%, 171345 1.71 3.45%, 1 71 3 45 1.71-3.45% 3.387.99%, 338799 3.38 7.99%, 38 7 99 3.38-7.99% respectively Moreover 09906 0 9906 0.990 gcm3 gcm g cm3 cm g/cm3 addition 14.2820.46 14282046 14.28 20.46 14 28 20 46 14.28-20.4 Trolox100 Trolox 100 Trolox/10 74.84108.45 748410845 74.84 108.45 74 84 108 74.84-108.4 mg100 mg mg/10 nutrition epicatechin catechin pcoumaric p coumaric rutin kaempferol 7511 75 11 75.11 appearance 7024 70 24 70.24 aroma 6043 60 43 60.43 flavor 7353 73 53 73.53 texture beer colored fuller 066 4.066.13% 40661 406 4.0 613 6.13% 4.06-6.13 1310 5.1310.9 513109 513 5.1 1098 10.9 9 5.13-10. 713 1.713.45% 17134 171 1.7 345 3.45% 1.71-3.45 387 3.387.99% 33879 338 3.3 799 7.99% 3.38-7.99 0990 990 0.99 g/cm 2820 14.2820.4 1428204 1428 14.2 2046 20.4 2 14.28-20. Trolox10 Trolox/1 84108 74.84108.4 74841084 7484 74.8 10845 108.4 8 74.84-108. mg10 mg/1 751 75.1 702 70.2 604 60.4 735 73.5 4.066.13 4066 40 4. 61 6.13 4.06-6.1 131 5.1310. 51310 51 5. 109 10. 5.13-10 1.713.45 1713 17 1. 34 3.45 1.71-3.4 3.387.99 3387 33 3. 79 7.99 3.38-7.9 099 0.9 282 14.2820. 142820 142 14. 204 20. 14.28-20 Trolox1 Trolox/ 8410 74.84108. 7484108 748 74. 1084 108. 74.84-108 mg1 mg/ 75. 70. 60. 73. 4.066.1 6.1 4.06-6. 5.1310 5131 5.13-1 1.713.4 3.4 1.71-3. 3.387.9 7.9 3.38-7. 09 0. 14.2820 14282 14.28-2 841 74.84108 748410 74.84-10 4.066. 6. 4.06-6 5.131 5.13- 1.713. 1.71-3 3.387. 7. 3.38-7 14.282 14.28- 74.8410 74841 74.84-1 4.066 4.06- 1.713 1.71- 3.387 3.38- 74.841 74.84-