Resumo Introdução A COVID-19 pode causar sintomas per-sistentes mesmo nos casos leves, como fadiga e dispneia, que podem reduzir a capacidade funcional e a realização das atividades de vida diária. Objetivo Comparar a avaliação da capacidade funcional a partir do teste da argola e caminhada dos 6 minutos pós-COVID-19 con-forme o suporte ventilatório utilizado. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 40 adultos, de ambos os sexos, pós-infecção por SARS-CoV2 entre julho/2020 e julho 2021, com avaliação da capacidade funcional pelos testes da argola (membros superiores) e caminhada (membros inferiores) de 6 minutos. Todos os participantes foram avaliados entre 15 e 90 dias do princípio dos sintomas, diagnosticados por swab nasal, e classificados conforme o suporte ventilatório utilizado durante a infecção. Resultados A média de idade dos participantes (n = 40) foi 54,30 (±12,76) anos, índice de massa corporal 28,39 (±4,70) kg/m2 e acometimento pulmonar em vidro fosco 51,49 (±17,47)%. Trinta e sete participantes foram hospitalizados com permanência de 14,33 (±15,44) dias, 30% previamente imunizados; 7,5% atingiram o predito da distância percorrida. A média alcançada foi de 46,44% (398,63 ± 130,58 m) na distância percorrida e 39,31% (237,58 ± 85,51) em movimento de argolas. Os participantes que utilizaram ventilação mecânica invasiva (n = 10) apresentaram pior capacidade funcional em ambos os testes: 265,85 ± 125,11 m e 181,00 ± 90,03 argolas comparado a 472,94 ± 88,02 m e 273,25 ± 66,09 argolas em ventilação não invasiva (n = 8), 410,32 ± 90,39m e 257,68 ± 62,84 argolas em oxigenoterapia (n = 19), 569,00 ± 79,50 m e 203,00 ± 169,00 argolas sem internação (n = 3). Conclusão Os participantes que necessitaram de ventilação mecânica invasiva apresen-taram pior capacidade funcional, com 46% do esperado no teste de caminhada e 39% no teste de argola de 6 minutos. COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 persistentes per sistentes leves dispneia diária pósCOVID19 pósCOVID pós pós-COVID-1 con forme Métodos 4 adultos sexos pósinfecção infecção SARSCoV2 SARSCoV SARS CoV2 CoV SARS-CoV julho2020 2020 julho/202 2021 membros superiores inferiores 1 9 nasal n 5430 54 30 54,3 ±12,76 1276 12 76 (±12,76 anos 2839 28 39 28,3 ±4,70 470 70 (±4,70 kgm2 kgm kg m2 kg/m 5149 51 49 51,4 ±17,47%. 1747 ±17,47 %. 17 47 (±17,47)% 1433 14 33 14,3 ±15,44 1544 44 (±15,44 imunizados 75 7 5 7,5 4644 46 46,44 398,63 39863 398 63 (398,6 13058 130 58 130,5 3931 31 39,31 237,58 23758 237 (237,5 85,51 8551 85 10 26585 265 265,8 12511 125 11 125,1 18100 181 00 181,0 9003 03 90,0 47294 472 94 472,9 8802 88 02 88,0 27325 273 25 273,2 6609 66 09 66,0 8, 8 , 8) 41032 410 32 410,3 9039m 39m 25768 257 68 257,6 6284 62 84 62,8 19, 19) 56900 569 569,0 7950 79 50 79,5 20300 203 203,0 16900 169 169,0 3. 3 . 3) apresen taram COVID1 COVID- pósCOVID1 pós-COVID- julho202 202 julho/20 543 54, ±12,7 127 (±12,7 283 2 28, ±4,7 (±4,7 514 51, ±17,47% 174 ±17,4 % (±17,47) 143 14, ±15,4 154 (±15,4 7, 464 46,4 398,6 3986 (398, 1305 13 130, 393 39,3 237,5 2375 23 (237, 85,5 855 2658 26 265, 1251 125, 1810 18 0 181, 900 90, 4729 472, 880 88, 2732 27 273, 660 66, 4103 41 410, 2576 257, 628 62, 5690 56 569, 795 79, 2030 20 203, 1690 16 169, pós-COVID julho20 julho/2 ±12, (±12, ±4, (±4, ±17, (±17,47 ±15, (±15, 46, 398, (398 39, 237, (237 85, julho2 julho/ ±12 (±12 ±4 (±4 ±17 (±17,4 ±15 (±15 (39 (23 ±1 (±1 (± (±17, (3 (2 ( (±17
Abstract Introduction COVID-19 can cause persistent symptoms even in mild cases, such as fatigue and dyspnea, which can reduce functional capacity and make it difficult to perform activities of daily living. Objective To compare functional capacity using the pegboard and ring test and the six-minute walk test responses in post-COVID-19 patients according to the ventilatory support used. Methods Cross-sectional study including 40 adults of both sexes after SARS-CoV2 infection between June 2020 and June 2021, with assessment of functional capacity using the pegboard and ring test (upper limbs) and the six-minute walk (lower limbs). Those who reported comprehension deficit or neuromuscular disease were excluded. All participants were evaluated between 15 and 90 days after the onset of symptoms, diagnosed by nasal swab and classified according to the ventilatory support used during the infection. Results The mean age of the participants (n = 40) was 54.30 (±12.76) years, with BMI 28.39 (±4.70) kg/m2 and pulmonary involvement in 51.49 (±17.47)%. A total of 37 participants were hospitalized with a stay of 14.33 (±15.44) days, and 30% were previously immunized, while 7.5% reached the predicted distance covered. The average achieved was 46.44% (398.63 ± 130.58 m) in the distance covered and 39.31% (237.58 ± 85.51) in the movement of rings. Participants who had invasive mechanical ventilation (n = 10) had the worst functional capacity in both tests 265.85 ± 125.11 m and 181.00 ± 90.03 rings, compared to 472.94 ± 88.02 m and 273.25 ± 66.09 rings in non-invasive ventilation (n = 8), 410.32 ± 90.39 m and 257.68 ± 62.84 rings in oxygen therapy (n = 19), 569.00 ± 79.50 m and 203.00 ± 169.00 rings when there was no hospitalization (n = 3). Conclusion Participants who required invasive mechanical ventilation had worse functional capacity, 46% of what was expected in the walk test and 39% of what was expected in the pegboard and ring test. COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 cases dyspnea living sixminute six minute postCOVID19 postCOVID post post-COVID-1 Crosssectional Cross sectional 4 SARSCoV2 SARSCoV SARS CoV2 CoV SARS-CoV 202 2021 upper limbs lower limbs. . excluded 1 9 n 5430 54 30 54.3 ±12.76 1276 12 76 (±12.76 years 2839 28 39 28.3 ±4.70 470 70 (±4.70 kgm2 kgm kg m2 kg/m 5149 51 49 51.4 ±17.47%. 1747 ±17.47 %. 17 47 (±17.47)% 3 1433 14 33 14.3 ±15.44 1544 44 (±15.44 immunized 75 7 5 7.5 4644 46 46.44 398.63 39863 398 63 (398.6 13058 130 58 130.5 3931 31 39.31 237.58 23758 237 (237.5 85.51 8551 85 10 26585 265 265.8 12511 125 11 125.1 18100 181 00 181.0 9003 03 90.0 47294 472 94 472.9 8802 88 02 88.0 27325 273 25 273.2 6609 66 09 66.0 noninvasive non 8, 8 , 8) 41032 410 32 410.3 9039 90.3 25768 257 68 257.6 6284 62 84 62.8 19, 19) 56900 569 569.0 7950 79 50 79.5 20300 203 203.0 16900 169 169.0 3. 3) COVID1 COVID- postCOVID1 post-COVID- 20 543 54. ±12.7 127 (±12.7 283 2 28. ±4.7 (±4.7 514 51. ±17.47% 174 ±17.4 % (±17.47) 143 14. ±15.4 154 (±15.4 7. 464 46.4 398.6 3986 6 (398. 1305 13 130. 393 39.3 237.5 2375 23 (237. 85.5 855 2658 26 265. 1251 125. 1810 18 0 181. 900 90. 4729 472. 880 88. 2732 27 273. 660 66. 4103 41 410. 903 2576 257. 628 62. 5690 56 569. 795 79. 2030 203. 1690 16 169. post-COVID ±12. (±12. ±4. (±4. ±17. (±17.47 ±15. (±15. 46. 398. (398 39. 237. (237 85. ±12 (±12 ±4 (±4 ±17 (±17.4 ±15 (±15 (39 (23 ±1 (±1 (± (±17. (3 (2 ( (±17