Resumo Biobío é uma das regiões mais importantes do Chile em nível produtivo. Fonte de recursos florestais, agrícolas e pesqueiros, pólo de desenvolvimento industrial, formação e pesquisa de capital humano, é uma das áreas com maior projeção de crescimento e descentralização. Nesse contexto, o Comitê Regional de Desenvolvimento Produtivo visa aumentar a capacidade inovadora e a competitividade do tecido empresarial, especialmente de pequenas e médias empresas. É aqui que o design possui um espaço que não foi formalizado como tal. A Faculdade de Design da Universidade de Desenvolvimento tem como missão, desde a sua criação, promover a realização de projetos acadêmicos que permitam que seus alunos tenham contato direto com os processos de empreendedorismo e desenvolvimento econômico. Graças ao prêmio do Governo Regional do Fundo de Inovação para a Competitividade da Biobío, ao apoio do Instituto de Inovação Interdisciplinar iCubo UDD e ProChile Regional, a partir de 2014, nasceu o projeto TID, que permitiu fortalecer esse vínculo e aprofundar o trabalho colaborativo, entre a universidade e o setor produtivo. O TID foi inicialmente criado como uma experiência piloto para promover a transferência de tecnologia entre a academia e as empresas locais, por meio da disciplina de design. Seu objetivo era contribuir para a visibilidade de oportunidades para instalar o design como peça chave nos equipamentos de geração de inovação em nível regional, contribuindo para a mudança da malha curricular; à formação de capital humano de designers treinados em inovação; à implementação de infraestrutura e tecnologias; à execução de um programa piloto de transferência de projeto para 12 empresas regionais; e à implementação de várias ações de disseminação do desenho nos níveis regional e nacional como catalisador da competitividade nas economias desenvolvidas e emergentes. A participação de representantes regionais de instituições acadêmicas, governo, associações comerciais e empresários e a transferência de design para empresas nos deu a oportunida-de de contrastar visões para uma melhor compreensão da realidade dessa disciplina. Mas não apenas isso, eles também nos deram a possibilidade de obter um aprendizado valioso, que é a base para a proposta de desafios e responsabilidades de coordenação entre a tríade Estado-Academia-Empresa (também chamada de tripla hélice), para incorporar o design à Estratégia. Regional de Inovação.
Abstract Biobío is one of the most important productive regions of Chile. Source of forest, agricultural and fishery resources, industrial development center, human capital formation and research, and one of the areas with the highest projected growth and decentralization. In this context, the Committee on Regional Productive Development aims to increase the innovative capacity and competitiveness of the business fabric, especially of small and medium-sized businesses. It is here where design has a space that has not been formalized as such. The Design School of Universidad del Desarrollo has had as its mission, since its inception, to impulse the conduction of academic projects that enable its students to be in direct contact with entrepreneurs and the processes of economic development. Thanks to the grant of the Innovation Fund for Biobío Regional Government Competitiveness, the support of the Institute of interdisciplinary Innovation iCubo of UDD and ProChile, the TID Project started in 2014, which led to strengthen the link and deepen the collaborative work between the university and the productive sector. TID was initially created as a pilot experience to promote technology transfer between academia and local business, through the design discipline. Its purpose was to contribute to the visibility of opportunities to install design as a key piece in the innovation generation gear at the regional level, contributing to the change of the curriculum; to the formation of human capital of designers trained in innovation; to the implementation of infrastructure and technologies; to the execution of a pilot design transfer program for 12 regional companies; and to the implementation of various actions to disseminate design at a regional and national level as a catalyst for competitiveness in both developed and emerging economies. The participation of regional representatives of academic institutions, government, trade associations and businessmen, and the transfer of design to companies, gave us the opportunity to contrast visions for a better understanding of the reality of this discipline. But not only that, they also gave us the possibility of obtaining valuable learning, which is the basis for the proposal of challenges and responsibilities to be coordinated between the triad State-Academy-Company (also called triple helix), to incorporate design into the Regional Strategy of Innovation. This pilot experience was the starting point for the formulation of the TID UDD 2019-2021 project “TID Transfer Innovation Design 2019-2021 Program. Articulation State-Academy-Company for the productive diversification with technological and sustainable base, of exportable goods and services for companies of the Biobío Region” which has been financed again by the Innovation Fund for Competitiveness of the BíoBío Region (FIC-R) 2018. Through this project, the TID Program and its insertion in the Biobío Regional Development Strategy will be consolidated, seeking to impact research and development for the diversification of exportable goods and services, becoming a reference program from the region, to Chile and the rest of the world. The program contemplates launching three work areas: 1. TID Table: articulation space, through monthly meetings of face-to-face discussion and decision making of the TID Program, with the participation of different relevant triple helix actors at the regional level. 2. TID Observatory: research, diagnosis and monitoring space for companies from the different productive sectors of the Biobío region, which will be implemented in national collaboration with GEM Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Chile and internationally with the Institute for Design Innovation, London. 3. TID Laboratory: research and technological development space that will seek to increase the creation of value of new sustainable products and services for productive based companies in the Biobío Region, through collaborative articulation with the triple helix, with the support of the UDD Technology Exploration Area, and the Sub directorate of Technology Transfer iCono UDD.In addition, the project contemplates organizing events, exhibitions and seminars open to the entire business, academic and productive development community of the region.
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