Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a family intervention in grief complicated by a couple breakup. Materials and method: Research with a mixed intervention approach in three stages (diagnosis-implementation-evaluation). In the first, an observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study was carried out, with a simple random sample with replacement n=99. Field's "Romantic Breakup Distress Scale" and Smilkstein's family APGAR were applied, with prior informed consent. Five families with complicated grief and family dysfunction were included. Methods and techniques of working with family were used. In the third stage, a quasi-experimental design was used with pretest and posttest of complicated grief and family APGAR. SPSS V25 was used to capture and analyze data, with descriptive and analytical statistics with Student's t test. Results: They were women 81.8%, with age Ⱦ=34.19-29 37.4%, high school 37.4%, separated 59.6%, divorced 49.4%. With complicated grief 14%, family dysfunction 13%. Families with complicated grief were dysfunctional 53.8%. Risk factors: conflict in paternalfilial subsystem, addictions, economy. Protective factors: religious, artistic, educational and medical groups. The actions focused on cognitive-behavioral-emotional intervention. In pretest/posttest evaluation, complicated grief presented a mean difference of Ⱦ=8.500, ŝ± 8.925, and 95% CI: Li: 3.347 Ls:13.653, with student's t=3.564 and df=13 and p value=0.003, statistically significant, mean difference for family Apgar of Ⱦ= 3.357 with ŝ±1.946, 95% CI: Li:2.234, Ls:4.481 with student's t=6.456 and df=13, p value=0.001, statistically significant. Conclusions: The effect of the family intervention modified complicated grief and improved family dynamics and functionality. Conclusions: The effect of the family intervention modified complicated grief and improved family dynamics and functionality.
Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia de una intervención familiar en duelo complicado por ruptura de pareja. Materiales y método: Investigación con enfoque mixto de intervención en tres etapas (diagnóstica-implementación-evaluación). En la primera se realizó estudio observacional, transversal, descriptivo, con muestra aleatoria simple con remplazo n=99. Se aplicó “Escala de Distrés por Ruptura Amorosa” de Field y APGAR familiar de Smilkstein, previo consentimiento informado. Se incluyeron cinco familias con duelo complicado y disfunción familiar. Se emplearon métodos y técnicas de trabajo con familia. En la tercera etapa se utilizó diseño cuasi experimental con pretest y postest de duelo complicado y APGAR familiar. Para la captura y análisis de datos se empleó el SPSS V25, con estadística descriptiva y analítica con prueba t de student. Resultados. Fueron mujeres 81.8%, con edad Ⱦ=34,19-29 37.4%, bachillerato 37.4%, separados 59.6%, divorciados 49.4%. Con duelo complicado 14%, disfunción familiar 13%. Las familias con duelo complicado fueron disfuncionales 53.8%. Los factores de riesgo: conflicto en subsistema paterno filial, adicciones, economía. Factores protectores: grupos religiosos, artísticos, educativos y médicos. Las acciones se centraron en intervención cognitivo-conductual-emocional. En evaluación pretest/postest, el duelo complicado presentó diferencia de medias de Ⱦ=8.500, ŝ± 8.925, e IC95%: Li: 3.347 Ls:13.653, con t de student=3.564 y gl=13 y valor de p=0.003, estadísticamente significativo, diferencia de medias para Apgar familiar de Ⱦ= 3.357 con ŝ±1.946, IC95%: Li:2.234, Ls:4.481 con t de student=6.456 y gl=13, valor de p=0.001, estadísticamente significativo. Conclusiones: El efecto de la intervención familiar modificó el duelo complicado y mejoró la dinámica y funcionalidad familiar.