Resumo O objetivo do artigo é avaliar a prevalência de adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo na população brasileira, com base nos estudos revisados por pares, que utilizaram instrumentos elaborados e/ou adaptados exclusivamente para este fim. Revisão sistemática com meta-análise, baseada nas recomendações do Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). A busca foi realizada nas bases BDENF, SciELO, Cuiden, PsycINFOe, CINAHL, Embase, LILACS, MEDLINE, e nos buscadores acadêmicos AgeLine, Google Scholar e ScienceDirect. O protocolo foi registrado no PROSPERO (CRD42021292689). Modelos de efeitos aleatórios foram usados para meta-análise das prevalências obtidas dos estudos individuais. Incluíram-se 104 estudos na meta-análise sobre tratamento anti-hipertensivo na população brasileira, totalizando 38.299 pacientes. O instrumento mais utilizado foi o teste de Morisky-Green de quatro itens (49,5%). A prevalência de adesão estimada pela foi de 44,4% (IC95%: 39,12%-49,94%, I2 = 91,17, p < 0,001), apresentando alta heterogeneidade. A prevalência de adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo encontrada nos estudos nacionais foi insatisfatória, demonstrando que essa problemática continua sendo um grande desafio. antihipertensivo anti hipertensivo brasileira pares eou ou fim metaanálise, metaanálise meta análise, análise MetaAnalyses Meta Analyses PRISMA. PRISMA . (PRISMA) BDENF SciELO Cuiden PsycINFOe CINAHL Embase LILACS MEDLINE AgeLine ScienceDirect CRD42021292689. CRD42021292689 CRD (CRD42021292689) individuais Incluíramse Incluíram se 10 38299 38 299 38.29 pacientes MoriskyGreen Morisky Green 49,5%. 495 49,5% 49 5 (49,5%) 444 44 4 44,4 IC95% IC95 IC (IC95% 39,12%49,94%, 39124994 39,12% 49,94%, 39 12 94 39,12%-49,94% I 9117 91 17 91,17 0,001, 0001 0,001 , 0 001 0,001) heterogeneidade insatisfatória desafio (PRISMA CRD4202129268 (CRD42021292689 1 3829 3 29 38.2 49,5 (49,5% 44, IC9 (IC95 39,12%49,94% 3912499 3912 39,12 4994 49,94% 9 39,12%-49,94 911 91,1 000 0,00 00 CRD420212926 (CRD4202129268 382 2 38. 49, (49,5 (IC9 39,12%49,94 391249 391 39,1 499 49,94 39,12%-49,9 91, 0,0 CRD42021292 (CRD420212926 (49, (IC 39,12%49,9 39124 39, 49,9 39,12%-49, 0, CRD4202129 (CRD42021292 (49 39,12%49, 39,12%-49 CRD420212 (CRD4202129 (4 39,12%49 39,12%-4 CRD42021 (CRD420212 ( 39,12%4 39,12%- CRD4202 (CRD42021 CRD420 (CRD4202 CRD42 (CRD420 CRD4 (CRD42 (CRD4 (CRD
Abstract This article aims to evaluate the adherence to antihypertensive treatment prevalence in the Brazilian population based on peer-reviewed studies which used instruments exclusively designed and/or adapted for this purpose. A systematic review with meta-analysis based on the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The search was carried out in the BDENF, SciELO, Cuiden, PsycINFOe, CINAHL, Embase, LILACS, and MEDLINE databases, as well as the AgeLine, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect academic search engines. The protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42021292689). Random effects models were used for a meta-analysis of the prevalence obtained from individual studies. A total of 104 studies were included in the meta-analysis on antihypertensive treatment in the Brazilian population, totaling 38,299 patients. The most used instrument was the four-item Morisky-Green Test (49.5%). The adherence prevalence estimated by the meta-analysis was 44.4% (95%CI: 39.12%-49.94%, I2 = 91.17, p < 0.001), showing high heterogeneity. The adherence to antihypertensive treatment prevalence found in national studies was unsatisfactory, demonstrating that this problem continues to be a major challenge. peerreviewed peer reviewed andor or purpose metaanalysis meta analysis MetaAnalyses Meta Analyses PRISMA. PRISMA . (PRISMA) BDENF SciELO Cuiden PsycINFOe CINAHL Embase LILACS databases AgeLine engines CRD42021292689. CRD42021292689 CRD (CRD42021292689) 10 38299 38 299 38,29 patients fouritem four item MoriskyGreen Morisky Green 49.5%. 495 49.5% 49 5 (49.5%) 444 44 4 44.4 95%CI 95CI CI 95 (95%CI 39.12%49.94%, 39124994 39.12% 49.94%, 39 12 94 39.12%-49.94% I 9117 91 17 91.17 0.001, 0001 0.001 , 0 001 0.001) heterogeneity unsatisfactory challenge (PRISMA CRD4202129268 (CRD42021292689 1 3829 3 29 38,2 49.5 (49.5% 44. 9 39.12%49.94% 3912499 3912 39.12 4994 49.94% 39.12%-49.94 911 91.1 000 0.00 00 CRD420212926 (CRD4202129268 382 2 38, 49. (49.5 39.12%49.94 391249 391 39.1 499 49.94 39.12%-49.9 91. 0.0 CRD42021292 (CRD420212926 (49. 39.12%49.9 39124 39. 49.9 39.12%-49. 0. CRD4202129 (CRD42021292 (49 39.12%49. 39.12%-49 CRD420212 (CRD4202129 (4 39.12%49 39.12%-4 CRD42021 (CRD420212 ( 39.12%4 39.12%- CRD4202 (CRD42021 CRD420 (CRD4202 CRD42 (CRD420 CRD4 (CRD42 (CRD4 (CRD