Resumo O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o efeito do tratamento de lantanídeos na propagação rápida in vitro e no enraizamento do morango “Cara Vermelha”. Os resultados mostram que concentrações menores (0,2; 0,5 mg/L) e maiores (40,0 mg/L) de La3+ inibem a propagação e o enraizamento do morango, respectivamente. As concentrações médias (1,0; 10,0 e 15,0 mg/L) de La3+ promovem a propagação e o enraizamento, sendo 1,0 mg/L a concentração ideal. No tratamento com 1,0 mg/L de La3+, os hormônios e os 12 elementos nutricionais apresentam a mesma tendência, exceto o elemento Ca. As mudanças no estágio de enraizamento mostram um equilíbrio maior em comparação com o estágio de propagação. Além disso, os elementos ou oshormônios que têm a maior influência nos dois estágios de propagação são Co e K(positivos) e TDZ e Fe (negativos), enquanto os elementos ou os hormônios que influenciam os doisestágios de enraizamento são S e Zn (positivos) e IAA e Fe (positivos). Nossos resultadosmostram que o uso de 1,0 mg/L de La3+ é econômico e útil para a propagação in vitro e oenraizamento do morango. Cara Vermelha. Vermelha . Vermelha” 0,2 02 0 2 (0,2 05 5 0, mgL mg L 40,0 400 40 (40, La3 La respectivamente 10 1 (1,0 100 10, 150 15 15, 1, ideal tendência Ca disso Kpositivos K positivos K(positivos negativos, negativos , (negativos) (positivos positivos. (0, 40, 4 (40 (1, (negativos (0 (4 (1 (
Abstract The study was aimed to assess the effects of exposure of the “Benihoppe” strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa Duch.) to La3+ treatment during propagation and rooting in vitro. The results showed that propagation and rooting were inhibited by lower (0.2, 0.5 mg/L) and higher (40.0 mg/L) concentrations of La3+, respectively. Propagation and rooting were promoted by a moderate concentration (1.0, 10.0, and 15.0 mg/L) of La3+, and a concentration of 1.0 mg/L was found to be optimal. Under 1.0 mg/L of La3+ treatment, certain trends associated with changes in the levels of hormones and 12 nutrients, with the exception of Ca, were observed during plant growth in vitro, and a greater balance was observed in the trends associated with changes in the amounts of elements at the rooting stage, as compared to the propagation stage. Furthermore, the elements or hormones with the highest effects on the two stages of propagation were Co and K (positive), and TDZ and Fe (negative), while those that affected the two stages of rooting were S and Zn ( positive), and IAA and Fe (positive). Our findings suggest that the use of 1.0 mg/L of La3+ is cost-effective, and can help achieve strawberry propagation and rooting in vitro. Benihoppe “Benihoppe Fragaria×ananassa Fragariaananassa Fragaria ananassa Duch. Duch La3 La vitro 0.2, 02 0 2 (0.2 05 5 0. mgL mg L 40.0 400 40 (40. respectively 1.0, 10 1 (1.0 100 10.0 150 15 15. 1. optimal nutrients Ca stage Furthermore positive, positive , (positive) negative, negative (negative) positive) positive. . costeffective, costeffective cost effective, effective cost-effective 0.2 (0. 40. 4 (40 (1. 10. (positive (negative (0 (4 (1