O presente estudo foi desenvolvido no âmbito do projecto de dragagem de cerca de 1x106m3 de sedimentos na região da barra de Aveiro (costa NW de Portugal), com obrigatoriedade de deposição no trecho costeiro a sul. Incluiu a determinação dos locais mais adequados para a realização dessas operações, tanto de dragagem, como de depósito das areias, mantendo presente os seguintes objectivos: garantir que as condições de operacionalidade e de segurança da navegação no acesso ao porto de Aveiro não fossem postas em causa pelo assoreamento na zona costeira exterior à barra e, ao mesmo tempo, acorrer à forte erosão costeira que se tem verificado no trecho a sul, entre a Costa Nova e o Areão. O estudo, que teve em consideração as condições locais da hidrodinâmica do sistema e as características impostas pelo próprio projecto, foi realizado em 2005, para as autoridades portuguesas com competências na área de intervenção: Instituto Portuário e dos Transportes Marítimos (IPTM), Administração do Porto de Aveiro (APA) e Instituto da Água (INAG). Foi entendido, por estas entidades, como um contributo fundamental para a gestão costeira integrada da zona, constituindo um meio de apoio à tomada de decisão de actuação, a considerar na resolução dos problemas associados à situação referida. O presente artigo descreve a metodologia utilizada para definir os locais de dragagem e deposição de areia, bem como os critérios utilizados na escolha da solução final. Numa primeira fase o estudo comportou uma compilação e a análise de elementos hidrográficos existentes para a zona, de forma a melhor efectuar a caracterização do local em termos da evolução morfológica. Estes elementos constituíram a base da fase seguinte, destinada a analisar e a prever o comportamento morfodinâmico da zona, com avaliação das taxas de transporte sedimentar e teste das soluções alternativas de dragagem e de deposição de areias. Nesta segunda fase recorreu-se à aplicação de um sistema de modelos matemáticos, com formulação bidimensional, que inclui a propagação da ondulação e da maré, as correntes induzidas pelas ondas e o transporte de sedimentos. Numa fase final, a escolha da solução considerada como sendo a mais adequada resultou da aplicação de um método multi-critério de análise comparativa sobre sete possíveis soluções de dragagem e de deposição, na qual foram considerados não só critérios técnicos, mas também ambientais e económicos.
The Aveiro coastal lagoon is located on the NW coast of Portugal. It is the largest Portuguese lagoon system which is permanently open to the sea. It is centred within a sand coastal section about 150km long which has regular bathymetry, with bathymetric lines almost parallel along the coast. This regular pattern is only disturbed in the vicinity of the Aveiro Lagoon, which is connected to the ocean through a channel that provides shipping access to the port of Aveiro, located inside the lagoon. The NW waves generated in the North Atlantic, by predominant N and NW winds, prevail near the NW Portuguese coast during almost 80% of the year. In the channel connecting the lagoon to the ocean, and in contrast to most of the Portuguese coast, the currents induced by the tide are very strong. Sometimes they can reach about 4ms-1 at the entrance to the lagoon. Along the shoreline, off Aveiro bar, the currents are mainly southward during most of the year, with velocities about 0,5ms-1, and tide reaches of about 2,85m during spring tide, and 1,25m in neap tide conditions. The ocean near the lagoon is characterised by an intense transport of mainly non-cohesive sediments, southwards along the shoreline. Since the 1950’s the area has been subject to several interventions intended to improve shipping access to the port, including the construction of maritime protection structures. The main north breakwater at the entrance of the lagoon improved access by reducing sediment deposition in the navigation channel, but also interrupted the littoral drift, promoting sand deposition to the north of the north breakwater, and increasing erosion to the south of the entrance. After the northern zone became saturated, silting of the channel commenced. Several coastal protection works, along the coastline, have attempted to minimize this problem, including seawalls, groins, breakwaters, and dredging of the channel to guarantee the depths required for shipping. The present study evaluated the most suitable sites for the dredging of 1 000 000 m3 of sand from the channel or surrounding area, as well as the deposit of the dredged material to the south of the lagoon entrance, in order to: guarantee safety and operability of the port of Aveiro; avoid silting-up of the coastal zone adjacent to the port entrance; and minimise erosion of the coastal areas to the south. The study was performed in 2005, for the three authorities with jurisdiction over the coastal area of Aveiro Lagoon (IPTM - Institute of Ports and Maritime Transport; APA - Aveiro Port Administration and INAG - Portuguese Water Institute) and took into account the local hydrodynamic conditions and the characteristics and constraints of the project. It contributed significantly to coastal management in the area, since supports decision-making, conducting to the definition of an integrated solution for the situation referred to above. This paper describes the methodology used to define the possible sites for dredging and deposition of the sand, as well as the criteria used to select the preferred solution. Firstly, the available hydrographic information was analysed, in order to characterize the area and the bathymetric evolution of the sea bed. This information was then used to study the morphodynamic behaviour in the area, including estimating the sediment transport. Alternative sand dredging and deposition solutions were tested using a 2D hydrodynamic numerical model, including waves and tide propagation, currents induced by the waves and sedimentary transport. Finally, the preferred solution was chosen using multi-criteria analysis for a comparative analysis of seven dredging and deposition solutions, considering technical, environmental and economic criteria. The final solution consists of dredging of 1 000 000m3 of sand in the Aveiro bar entrance, between 9,0m and 12,5m depth, and the deposition of the dredged material in the sea to the south, in the submersed sector of the beach, between 2,0m and 5,0m depth, over an area between the third and fifth groins of Costa Nova. Finally, the study recommended the development of a regular monitoring programme to take place after the project implementation, in order to objectively evaluate sedimentary and bed evolution over the dredged and deposition areas (beach and bed evolution). The chosen solution was implemented by the competent authorities after 2008.