RESUMO O presente estudo foi realizado para investigar a prevalência espaço-temporal da babesiose bovina na população bovina (n=376) de Layyah, Paquistão, conforme afetada por localização, idade, raça, gênero e estações. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas assepticamente e avaliadas quanto à babesiose por meio de microscopia e PCR, e por meio de um analisador automatizado para atributos hematológicos. Os resultados gerais da prevalência por PCR na população bovina mostraram uma prevalência significativamente (P≤0,05) menor de 19,4% (n=72/376) em comparação com 37,2% (n=140/276) por microscopia. Nenhum dos bovinos estudados da raça Cholistani foi positivo para Babesia. No entanto, uma prevalência significativamente maior (P≤0,05) foi observada em bovinos mestiços (46,7%, n= 50/107), seguida por bovinos das raças Friesian (16,1%, n= 10/62), Jersey (7%, n= 5/71) e Sahiwal (6,9%, n= 7/101). O gado fêmea (19,5%, n= 55/281) e a faixa etária 1 (até 2 anos) (40%, n= 42/105) apresentaram maior prevalência de Babesia, conforme verificado por PCR, em comparação com seus grupos homólogos. Uma prevalência significativamente maior (P≤0,05) de 35,9% (n=60/167) foi mostrada no verão em comparação com a do inverno (5,7%, n=12/209). Todas as amostras positivas produziram os amplicons de 490 pb específicos e típicos de Babesia bigemina. A concentração de hemoglobina, a contagem de eritrócitos, o hematócrito e o volume corpuscular médio foram significativamente (P≤0,05) menores nos bovinos positivos para babesia em comparação com os saudáveis. espaçotemporal espaço temporal n=376 n376 n 376 (n=376 Layyah Paquistão localização idade estações hematológicos P≤0,05 P005 P 0 05 (P≤0,05 194 19 4 19,4 n=72/376 n72376 72 (n=72/376 372 37 37,2 n=140/276 n140276 140 276 (n=140/276 entanto 46,7%, 467 46 7 (46,7% 50/107, 50107 50/107 , 50 107 50/107) 16,1%, 161 16 (16,1% 10/62, 1062 10/62 10 62 10/62) 7%, (7% 5/71 571 5 71 6,9%, 69 6 9 (6,9% 7/101. 7101 7/101 . 101 7/101) 19,5%, 195 (19,5% 55/281 55281 55 281 até anos 40%, 40 (40% 42/105 42105 42 105 homólogos 359 35 35,9 n=60/167 n60167 60 167 (n=60/167 5,7%, 57 (5,7% n=12/209. n12209 n=12/209 12 209 n=12/209) 49 bigemina hemoglobina eritrócitos saudáveis n=37 n37 (n=37 P≤0,0 P00 (P≤0,0 19, n=72/37 n7237 (n=72/37 3 37, n=140/27 n14027 14 27 (n=140/27 46,7% (46,7 5010 50/10 16,1% (16,1 106 10/6 7% (7 5/7 6,9% (6,9 710 7/10 19,5% (19,5 55/28 5528 28 40% (40 42/10 4210 35, n=60/16 n6016 (n=60/16 5,7% (5,7 n1220 n=12/20 20 n=3 n3 (n=3 P≤0, P0 (P≤0, n=72/3 n723 (n=72/3 n=140/2 n1402 (n=140/2 46,7 (46, 501 50/1 16,1 (16, 10/ ( 5/ 6,9 (6, 7/1 19,5 (19, 55/2 552 (4 42/1 421 n=60/1 n601 (n=60/1 5,7 (5, n122 n=12/2 (n= P≤0 (P≤0 n=72/ n72 (n=72/ n=140/ n140 (n=140/ 46, (46 50/ 16, (16 6, (6 7/ (19 55/ 42/ n=60/ n60 (n=60/ 5, (5 n12 n=12/ (n P≤ (P≤ n=72 n7 (n=72 n=140 n14 (n=140 (1 n=60 n6 (n=60 n1 n=12 (P n=7 (n=7 n=14 (n=14 n=6 (n=6 n=1 (n=1
ABSTRACT The present study was conducted to investigate the spatiotemporal prevalence of bovine babesiosis in cattle population (n=376) of Layyah, Pakistan as affected by location, age, breed, gender, and seasons. Blood samples were collected aseptically and assessed for babesiosis through microscopy and PCR, and through automated analyzer for hematological attributes. Overall results of prevalence through PCR in cattle population showed significantly (P≤0.05) lower prevalence of 19.4% (n=72/376) as compared to 37.2% (n=140/276) through microscopy. None of the studied cattle from Cholistani breed were Babesia-positive. However, significantly (P≤0.05) higher prevalence was noticed for crossbred cattle (46.7%, n= 50/107) followed by that in Friesian (16.1%, n= 10/62), Jersey (7%, n= 5/71) and Sahiwal (6.9%, n= 7/101) cattle breeds. Female cattle (19.5%, n= 55/281) and age group 1 (Up to 2 years) (40%, n= 42/105) had higher prevalence of Babesia as ascertained through PCR in comparison to their counterpart groups. Significantly (P≤0.05) higher prevalence of 35.9% (n=60/167) was shown in summer as compared to that in winter season (5.7%, n= 12/209). All the positive samples produced the 490bp amplicons specific and typical for Babesia bigemina. Hemoglobin concentration, erythrocytic count, hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume were significantly (P≤0.05) lower in babesia-positive cattle as compared to healthy ones. n=376 n376 n 376 (n=376 Layyah location gender seasons attributes P≤0.05 P005 P 0 05 (P≤0.05 194 19 4 19.4 n=72/376 n72376 72 (n=72/376 372 37 37.2 n=140/276 n140276 140 276 (n=140/276 Babesiapositive. Babesiapositive positive. Babesia-positive However 46.7%, 467 46 7 (46.7% 50/107 50107 50 107 16.1%, 161 16 (16.1% 10/62, 1062 10/62 , 10 62 10/62) 7%, (7% 5/71 571 5 71 6.9%, 69 6 9 (6.9% 7/101 7101 101 breeds 19.5%, 195 (19.5% 55/281 55281 55 281 Up years 40%, 40 (40% 42/105 42105 42 105 groups 359 35 35.9 n=60/167 n60167 60 167 (n=60/167 5.7%, 57 (5.7% 12/209. 12209 12/209 . 12 209 12/209) bp bigemina concentration count babesiapositive babesia ones n=37 n37 (n=37 P≤0.0 P00 (P≤0.0 19. n=72/37 n7237 (n=72/37 3 37. n=140/27 n14027 14 27 (n=140/27 46.7% (46.7 50/10 5010 16.1% (16.1 106 10/6 7% (7 5/7 6.9% (6.9 7/10 710 19.5% (19.5 55/28 5528 28 40% (40 42/10 4210 35. n=60/16 n6016 (n=60/16 5.7% (5.7 1220 12/20 20 n=3 n3 (n=3 P≤0. P0 (P≤0. n=72/3 n723 (n=72/3 n=140/2 n1402 (n=140/2 46.7 (46. 50/1 501 16.1 (16. 10/ ( 5/ 6.9 (6. 7/1 19.5 (19. 55/2 552 (4 42/1 421 n=60/1 n601 (n=60/1 5.7 (5. 122 12/2 (n= P≤0 (P≤0 n=72/ n72 (n=72/ n=140/ n140 (n=140/ 46. (46 50/ 16. (16 6. (6 7/ (19 55/ 42/ n=60/ n60 (n=60/ 5. (5 12/ (n P≤ (P≤ n=72 n7 (n=72 n=140 n14 (n=140 (1 n=60 n6 (n=60 (P n=7 (n=7 n=14 n1 (n=14 n=6 (n=6 n=1 (n=1