ABSTRACT: The feasibility of enhancing oat cereal bars, widely recognized for their health benefits, was investigated by replacing up to 5% oats with whole seed, almond, or steam-cooked pinhão husk flour. Pinhão contributes with resistant starch, antioxidant compounds, and minerals. The control oat bar (30.5% of the mixture), without pinhão flours but containing brown sugar (25.5%), raisins (15.0%), glucose (15.0%), coconut oil (3.0%), gelatin (0.5%), and water (10.0%), provides 75.53 kcal, with 15.66% carbohydrates (on a dry basis), 2.88% insoluble fiber, 0.70% soluble fiber, 1.82% protein, 0.62% lipids, and 0.32% minerals. Bars replacing up to 5% of oats with almond, husk, or whole seed flour showed statistically similar compositions, except for lipids, few minerals, phenolic compounds, and antioxidant activity. Concerning daily recommendations, a 22 g bar offers low energy (3.78%, Brasil, 1998) and proportionally high mineral content, including potassium (34.64%), zinc (81.58%), magnesium (108.55%), iron (421.18%), copper (192.98%), calcium (395.13%), and manganese (1,027.00%). Additionally, they exhibit a significant content of total phenolic compounds (8.66 mg GAE/g) and antioxidant capacity (24.43 mg Trolox/g). These innovative bars were well-received in sensory evaluations and demonstrated good commercial potential. Notably, a bar that replaced 5% oats with husk flour could be a viable option for microenterprises due to simplified technology, contributing to waste valorization and encouraging the preservation of the Araucaria Forest. ABSTRACT benefits 5 almond steamcooked steam cooked starch minerals 30.5% 305 30 (30.5 mixture, mixture , mixture) 25.5%, 255 25.5% 25 (25.5%) 15.0%, 150 15.0% 15 0 (15.0%) 3.0%, 3.0% 3 (3.0%) 0.5%, 05 0.5% (0.5%) 10.0%, 100 10.0% 10 (10.0%) 7553 75 53 75.5 kcal 1566 66 15.66 on basis, basis basis) 288 2 88 2.88 fiber 070 70 0.70 182 1 82 1.82 protein 062 62 0.62 lipids 032 32 0.32 compositions activity recommendations 3.78%, 378 78 (3.78% Brasil 1998 34.64%, 3464 34.64% 34 64 (34.64%) 81.58%, 8158 81.58% 81 58 (81.58%) 108.55%, 10855 108.55% 108 55 (108.55%) 421.18%, 42118 421.18% 421 18 (421.18%) 192.98%, 19298 192.98% 192 98 (192.98%) 395.13%, 39513 395.13% 395 13 (395.13%) 1,027.00%. 102700 1,027.00% . 027 00 (1,027.00%) Additionally 8.66 866 8 (8.6 GAE/g GAEg GAE 24.43 2443 24 43 (24.4 Trolox/g. Troloxg Trolox/g Trolox Trolox/g) wellreceived well received potential Notably technology Forest 30.5 (30. 25.5 (25.5% 15.0 (15.0% 3.0 (3.0% 0.5 (0.5% 10.0 (10.0% 755 7 75. 156 6 15.6 28 2.8 07 0.7 1.8 06 0.6 03 0.3 3.78% 37 (3.78 199 346 34.64 (34.64% 815 81.58 (81.58% 1085 108.55 (108.55% 4211 421.18 42 (421.18% 1929 192.98 19 9 (192.98% 3951 395.13 39 (395.13% 10270 1,027.00 02 (1,027.00% 8.6 86 (8. 24.4 244 4 (24. 30. (30 25. (25.5 15. (15.0 3. (3.0 0. (0.5 10. (10.0 2. 1. 3.78 (3.7 34.6 (34.64 81.5 (81.58 108.5 (108.55 421.1 (421.18 192.9 (192.98 395.1 (395.13 1027 1,027.0 (1,027.00 8. (8 24. (24 (3 (25. (15. (3. (0. (10. 3.7 34. (34.6 81. (81.5 108. (108.5 421. (421.1 192. (192.9 395. (395.1 102 1,027. (1,027.0 ( (2 (25 (15 (0 (10 (34. (81. (108. (421. (192. (395. 1,027 (1,027. (1 (34 (81 (108 (421 (192 (395 1,02 (1,027 (42 (19 (39 1,0 (1,02 (4 1, (1,0 (1,
RESUMO: A viabilidade de aprimorar barras de cereal de aveia, produtos amplamente reconhecidos por seus benefícios à saúde, foi investigada pela substituição até 5% da aveia por farinha de semente inteira, da amêndoa ou da casca do pinhão cozido a vapor. O pinhão pode contribuir com amido resistente, compostos antioxidantes e minerais. A barra controle de aveia (30,5% da mistura), sem farinhas de pinhão, contendo açúcar mascavo (25,5%), passas (15,0%), glicose (15,0%), óleo de coco (3,0%), gelatina (0,5%) e água (10,0%) disponibiliza 75,53 kcal, com 15,66% de carboidratos (base seca), 2,88% de fibras insolúveis, 0,70% de fibras solúveis, 1,82% de proteínas, 0,62% de lipídios e 0,32% de minerais. Barras substituindo até 5% de aveia por farinha de amêndoa, casca ou semente integral apresentaram geralmente composição estatisticamente similar, exceto para lipídeos, alguns minerais, compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante. Quanto a demanda diária, uma barra de 22g fornece baixa energia (3,78%) e proporcionalmente altos teores de minerais, como potássio (34,64%), zinco (81,58%), magnésio (108,55%), ferro (421,18%), cobre (192,98%), cálcio (395,13%) e manganês (1.027,00%). Além disso, essa barra exibe conteúdo relevante de compostos fenólicos totais (8,66 mg GAE/g) e capacidade antioxidante (24,43 mg Trolox/g). Essas barras inovadoras foram bem-aceitas sensorialmente e mostraram bom potencial comercial. Notavelmente, uma barra que substituiu 5% da aveia por farinha de casca pode ser uma opção viável para microempresas devido a tecnologia simplificada, contribuindo para a valorização deste resíduo e incentivando a preservação da Floresta com Araucárias. RESUMO saúde 5 inteira vapor resistente minerais 30,5% 305 30 (30,5 mistura, mistura , mistura) 25,5%, 255 25,5% 25 (25,5%) 15,0%, 150 15,0% 15 0 (15,0%) 3,0%, 3,0% 3 (3,0%) 0,5% 05 (0,5% 10,0% 100 10 (10,0% 7553 75 53 75,5 kcal 1566 66 15,66 base seca, seca seca) 288 2 88 2,88 insolúveis 070 70 0,70 solúveis 182 1 82 1,82 proteínas 062 62 0,62 032 32 0,32 similar lipídeos diária g 3,78% 378 78 (3,78% 34,64%, 3464 34,64% 34 64 (34,64%) 81,58%, 8158 81,58% 81 58 (81,58%) 108,55%, 10855 108,55% 108 55 (108,55%) 421,18%, 42118 421,18% 421 18 (421,18%) 192,98%, 19298 192,98% 192 98 (192,98%) 395,13% 39513 395 13 (395,13% 1.027,00%. 102700 1.027,00% . 027 00 (1.027,00%) disso 8,66 866 8 (8,6 GAE/g GAEg GAE 24,43 2443 24 43 (24,4 Trolox/g. Troloxg Trolox/g Trolox Trolox/g) bemaceitas bem aceitas comercial Notavelmente simplificada Araucárias 30,5 (30, 25,5 (25,5% 15,0 (15,0% 3,0 (3,0% 0,5 (0,5 10,0 (10,0 755 7 75, 156 6 15,6 28 2,8 07 0,7 1,8 06 0,6 03 0,3 3,78 37 (3,78 346 34,64 (34,64% 815 81,58 (81,58% 1085 108,55 (108,55% 4211 421,18 42 (421,18% 1929 192,98 19 9 (192,98% 395,13 3951 39 (395,13 10270 1.027,00 02 (1.027,00% 8,6 86 (8, 24,4 244 4 (24, 30, (30 25, (25,5 15, (15,0 3, (3,0 0, (0, 10, (10, 2, 1, 3,7 (3,7 34,6 (34,64 81,5 (81,58 108,5 (108,55 421,1 (421,18 192,9 (192,98 395,1 (395,1 1027 1.027,0 (1.027,00 8, (8 24, (24 (3 (25, (15, (3, (0 (10 34, (34,6 81, (81,5 108, (108,5 421, (421,1 192, (192,9 395, (395, 102 1.027, (1.027,0 ( (2 (25 (15 (1 (34, (81, (108, (421, (192, (395 1.027 (1.027, (34 (81 (108 (421 (192 (39 1.02 (1.027 (42 (19 1.0 (1.02 (4 1. (1.0 (1.