Descreve-se, pela primeira vez no Brasil, um caso de criptococose canina com acometimento oftalmo e dermatopático, com diagnóstico intra-vitam, em animal da raça Pastor Alemão, fêmea, com 24 meses de vida, criado em São Paulo, em contacto com outros cinco cães assintomáticos, que havia se infectado pelo contato com dejetos de pombos (Columba livia). Evoluia há 90 dias, com quadro tegumentar e ósseo, sintomas e lesões características, sendo, ainda, detectada forma assintomática de coriorretinite, de início unilateral. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido pelos dados da anamnese, dos exames físico, dermatológico e complementares (radiográfico, cultivo micológico, histopatologia de pele) tendo-se evidenciado e isolado cepa de Criptococcus neoformans var. neoformans. Após nove meses de terapia com itraconazol (9mg/kg/SID/VO) houve involução total do quadro, sem qualquer efeito adverso à droga.
A case of cryptococcosis with ocular and cutaneous involvement is reported by the first time in Brazil in a dog. A two-year-old female German Shepherd living in a hold house with other five healthy dogs was infected through the contact with pigeon (Columba livia) feces. The illness started 90 days previously with cutaneous and bone involvement resulting in characteristic clinical signs and lesions, in addition to a initially unilateral asymptomatic chorioretinitis. The diagnosis was established based on anamnesis, physical and dermatologic examinations and complementary exams (radiographs, skin biopsy and histopathology) and the isolation of a Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans strain was accomplished. There was a complete resolution of the disease after nine months of therapy using itraconazole (9mg/kg, q24h, PO) and no side effect was observed.